Antonio's request for a loan gave Shylock his chance of revenge. At first, Shylock pretended to hesitate about lending the money. Shylock told Antonio that Antonio will pay Shylock back when his ships come home. And then Shylock wondered again :"how can 1 be sure that they will come home safely? They may be wrecked in a storm or They may be captured by pirates." And He thought for a while, making a cunning plan. And then he said,"Well, I will be generous. I will lend you the money and I shall not ask for any interest on it." Here Shylock smiled a strange smile and added," As a joke, you will have to promise this: If you cannot pay me back in 3 months, you must give me a pound of your flesh. And you must allow me to cut that pound of flesh from any part of your body that i choose. If you agree to that, I will lend you the money. Will you agree to it? Will you sign a bond agreeing to this?"

Antonio agreed willingly and thought that Shylock was unusually kind.

Bassanio was suspicious and begged his friend not to sign the bond. "Because this bond is a strange one and it hides an evil purpose, Said Bassanio." Think what will happen if your ships don't come home safely. Shylock will claim your pound of flesh, and he will claim it lawfully. He will cut your heart out! And I shall be the cause of your death. "Good friend, I beg you not to sign it," he repeated.

Bassanio begged in vain. Antonio laughed at his fears. He signed the bond and obtained the money. Bassanio set out for Belmont. He was richly dressed and had a splendid train of attendants.

He had high hopes of winning the beautiful Portia for his wife. Antonio's danger was forgotten Bassanio's mind was filled with thoughts of love.
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